Errors happen - we try our best to post the currently identified errata on this Web page. If you find an error in the book, please send the authors an email.
Page XIV, 1st paragraph: "... the 1998 FZI Doctoral Dissertation price..." should read "... the 1998 FZI Doctoral Dissertation prize..." Page 38, Section 2.2.2, Subsection "Result Code and Reason Phrase": "The first digit of the reason phrase..." should read "The first digit of the status code...". Page 101/102, Section 4.3.4 "Dynamic Caching": "Playback requests for streaming media are related by their temporal distance, the time from the start of playback at one client to the start of playback of the same stream at the second client" should read "Playback requests for streaming media are related by their temporal distance, the time from requesting the stream at one client to the time of requesting the same stream at the second client". - Page 105, Section 4.4.2, second last paragraph:
"R = (Data Out-Data In)/Data In" should read R = (Data Out-Data In)/Data Out". Page 140, Section "Proactive Probing": Item #1 under “Proactive Probing” should show the abbreviation as AS not As. Page 145, Section 5.4.1 "Lucent/Bell Labs WebDNS": "No amount of willpower was ever sufficient to reduce the RTT of a DNS response once it was delivered to the network" should read "No amount of willpower was ever sufficient to reduce the TTL of a DNS response once it was delivered to the network". Throughout the book: HTTP stands for "HyperText Transfer Protocol", rather than for "HyperText Transport Protocol".